Peninsula NIMBYs.
Go ahead and react. We've been hearing this pejorative label since shortly after the residents of the peninsula voted overwhelmingly in support of the California high speed rail bond. Wealthy residents of Palo Alto, Atherton, and Menlo Park don't want the fast train in Their Back Yards, and so want to scuttle the voter-mandated line to San Francisco. Inexperienced, politically-connected HSR Board members are literally railroading peninsula citizens with a bloated, ill-planned waste of taxpayer dollars. Pick a side, you're either fer it or agin' it.
This argument has gotten unnecessarily heated. Remember, folks, we're all neighbors and our success as cities depends in many ways on our success as a region, which in turn depends on us working together. If that seems too hard to do, let's take a step back and look at how other people managed to work out a very similar conflict right here in the Bay Area.