Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pedestrianism Vol. 6

Pedestrianism Vol. 6 - NYC High Line on Vimeo. If you didn't watch it in HD, can you be sure you've seen it?

It's been a while since my last Pedestrianism video. The spectacle of last June's Sunday Streets in the Mission District was hard to top!

But I took a trip to New York City over New Years and had the chance to see some of the cool new pedestrian spaces there (check out the photos in my Flickr stream in the sidebar). Despite the freezing cold, I walked the length of the first phase of the High Line. This elevated, linear park opened last year on an abandoned railroad track. The city of New York and its private partner have done an amazing job on the landscaping, and the space is well-used even on days as cold as the one shown above.

Be sure to watch in fullscreen with HD on (and scaling off if you have a larger screen) for the best effect.


Gary said...

Cool. I just visited The Highline for the first time. Took this camera phone Pano that I like, shortlink to Flickr site

Do you mind if post this video next week? I write at

Pedestrianist said...

Absolutely, Gary! As long as you don't mind me reposting that photo :-) Is that from the second phase (has that opened yet?) Very cool juxtaposition of the park above that ugly parking lot or auto repair yard or whatever.

Gary said...

Thank you.

Sure thing about the image, I'm not sure of the phasing, but that location is just north of the Chelsea Market between 17th and 18th, I think.

Also, thanks for having a pedestrian BLOG.